
Friday, March 21, 2014

False Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

In my previous article, I explained the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, which is the only unforgivable sin.  Now I would like to talk about how satan and his demons tempt many people to believe they have committed this sin, when in fact they have not. He has been doing this for centuries.

Some of these people have come to me, seeking counsel in the past, because they thought for sure they had blasphemed the Holy Spirit.  This happened to at least three people I know, who had backslidden away from Christ, and then repented.  When they returned to the Lord, the enemy was so angry that he had lost them that he tried to get them to give up on serving Jesus.  The demons would whisper to them some horrible, blasphemous things to deceive them into thinking that these were their own thoughts, and then the demons would heap condemnation on them for having such thoughts cross their mind.

John Bunyan
One of the most fruitful English preachers and writers of the seventeenth century was John Bunyan, who is best remembered for his allegorical book, The Pilgrim's Progress, which he wrote during one of his imprisonments. Although he authored sixty titles, that book is considered one of the most significant works in English religious literature. It has been translated into over two hundred languages. In fact, it has never been out of print.

There is a chapter about him in Foxe's Book of Martyrs, documenting some of his persecutions for the sake of Christ. In that book it states that "He was at one time quite assured that he had sinned the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost." Yet we know that he overcame that fear and went on to serve the Lord effectively for the rest of his life.

Are You Being Attacked Like This?
It could be that you have been attacked like this in the past.  I know I have personally been. Or perhaps you are presently being tempted this way.  If you are being tempted with such thoughts now, it is my hope and prayer that this blog has helped you.  I believe it will be a great relief to a troubled heart.  Let me encourage you with two verse of Scripture:

"Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death." (Rom 8:1-2)

"Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin"-- (Mar 3:28-29)

Please read Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit in order to understand what this sin actually is.  And also remember that if you feel convicted for sin, that itself is a work of the Holy Spirit in you.  Jesus said, "And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me; and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged." (Joh 16:8-11, NASB).

So if you can still experience conviction for sin and godly sorrow, then the Holy Spirit is still at work in you to bring you to repentance.  If you are convicted of sin you have committed, then repent and ask forgiveness.  If God had finally determined not to forgive you, because you had committed the unpardonable sin, then why would the Holy Spirit still be working to convict you and bring you to repentance?

There is also a difference between a temptation and a sin.  It is one thing for an unwanted thought to cross your mind, which can be a temptation placed there by a demon.  However, you must reject that temptation the moment it comes, and you must not agree with it or entertain it.  The best way to rid yourself of it is through prayer, fasting, and the Word of God.  Spend plenty of time each day in prayer, pray without ceasing, and spend plenty of time reading the Word of God.  Ask the Father for (and receive) the baptism with the Holy Spirit, as well as the Holy Fire Baptism.  As soon as you wake up in the morning, get on your knees in prayer and put on the full armor of God (Eph 6:10-18).  Then plead the blood of Jesus upon yourself and your dwelling place.  I also encourage you to pray a Covenant Prayer that I have found to be very helpful  Close every door that was open in your life to the enemy.  Renounce every form of sin that you have been involved in.  Spend time each day making your own personal proclamations of faith, and continue to trust in the keeping power of God .

The moment an unwanted thought comes, you should redirect your thoughts to the Lord, and there are a number of ways to do so. You can say aloud, "It is written...," and quote the Word to the devil, as Jesus did against satan in His wilderness temptation.  Take the sword of the Spirit and cut the demon's head off. You can shout, "Holy fire!" This is very effective, as the demons hate the holy fire.  You can plead the blood of Jesus.  You can say, "Get behind me, satan, in Jesus' name!" or "The Lord rebuke you, satan!"  or "I bind you, blaspheming spirit, in Jesus' name, and I command you to depart from me!" Learn about the power of The Name of Jesus and how to use it.  You can praise the Lord by saying, "Glory to God!" Or you could begin to sing a worship song to the Lord. The main thing is to fight those demons in the Lord's strength, and in His mighty power

The problem is once you begin to entertain a thought and actively participate with it, and provide it with a place to dwell within you, you are going in the wrong direction.  To the extent that you give in to it and accept it, then you are entering into sin.  The Lord knows the thoughts of your heart, and He knows the truth. So if you have given into it in the realm of your thoughts, you must repent and confess it to the Lord, asking Him for forgiveness through His shed blood on the cross.  Then receive His forgiveness!

And you certainly must avoid acting upon these thoughts in sinful word or deed.  I also encourage you to confess your sins to one another.  If you are a brother, then confess to a trusted brother, who will pray for you. If you are a sister, confess to another sister.  Ask for prayer, and the Lord will help you to overcome.  Cry out to God to rid you of these unwanted thoughts.  But even if you have committed sin in your thoughts, do not automatically assume you have committed the unforgivable sin, if the thoughts you had were blasphemous.  Rather, go to the Word and learn what the actual Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is, and then avoid committing it.

It could also be that you know someone who is being tempted like this, and you found this article in your search to help them.  If so, please share this article with them.

Attribution notice: Most Scripture quotations taken from the NASB

Author's note Also see Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, Discerning the Things of the Spirit, and Eternal Destinations.  You can access the Main Directory for this blog for more articles like this, as well as my complete blog directory at "Writing for the Master." Now I'd like to ask a very important question.

Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus.  Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?

“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15).  He preached that we must repent and believe.

Please see my explanation of this in my post called "Do You Want to Know Jesus?"

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.


  1. After much praying and fear... I believe God forgives me. As you said, it is the Holy Spirit that woos us to repentance and Salvation. I would not have been repenting so intensely and begging God for mercy and have an urge to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit and spread these messages to others for their salvation if God didn't forgive me. I think I need to find a holiness pentecostal church near me and pray with them and be baptized.

    1. Praise the Lord, Josh! That's a wonderful testimony. Amen! Just be careful to find one that believes in the Holy Trinity, and that is not unitarian (oneness error). Shalom!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Kim, please reply with your email address, which will not be published. I do not want to leave this comment published, because I don't want to put thoughts in anyone's head. I will be off line for the rest of the weekend.

  3. I really feel Chriatianity is a lie. Theres alot of False Teachings And Church today is more Worldly than Anything. Now they celebrate this Trunk or treat stuff.. I dont really see a purpose to be in this faith Anymore. And recently was attacked by Trump Supporters who claim to be chriatians. I just really dont see the purpose anymore. I really am starting to see that God does hate me. Doesnt have a plan for me. I dont want this anymore. Nothing can ever erase my pain that i feel. Suicide is the only Solution

    1. You made some true statements, such as the abundance of false teachings, worldliness in the church, and celebration of pagan holidays. However, you are also believing several lies, such as "Chriatianity is a lie," "God does hate me," "Nothing can ever erase my pain," God "doesn't have a plan for me," and "Suicide is the only Solution." I am not going to be able to convince you via the comment section of this blog to change your views, but here are a few things:

      God is love, so he loves everyone. He hates sin. He does not hate YOU.

      Murder is sin, and killing oneself is murder, so it is sin. Sin cannot be in the presence of Holy God or heaven. Those who live and die in sin go to hell. That is why we need to repent, ask forgiveness for our sins and receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

      God is the God of Truth. He is not a man that He should lie. Jesus is the Truth. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Do not make God out to be a liar by accusing Him of sin or denying His Word.

      Your pain is connected with sin and demons, and the Lord not only forgives sin, but delivers from demons, and he heals pain. There is no kind of pain He cannot heal. He is the Lord your Healer, Yehova Rapha. You shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

      God has a plan for everyone from before the foundation of the world, and that includes you.

      You said, "I just really dont see the purpose anymore." The meaning of life is learning to accept God's love for you, and the love of Christ on the cross, be born again, and then begin to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. His purpose for you is to know Him personally, Who is Life.

      I pray the Lord will show you the Truth. Don't end your life. That is not going to solve anything. It will only ensure eternal misery in hell. You need to cry out to Jesus for deliverance from the spirit of suicide.

      Grace and peace.

    2. Its my right to take my life

    3. That's what the demons usually say, so you are listening to demons. I will not be commenting further, as I do not carry on conversations with demons.

    4. Can anyone email me regarding this please?

  4. last 6 months I have had these Horrible blasphemous thoughts about HS and yesterday i fear that i had a slip of a tongue and i said my thought out loud. Am i doomed now? i Want to belong to Jesus but i am afraid that he rejects me because what i said. Does God understand that i don't want to think or say anything about him. I have asked forgiveness but i fear that God does not want to listen to me.

    1. Believe it or not, this is one of the most common questions I get. My recommendation is to go to the Lord begging for forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ. Put your hope in His unfailing love. Trust in Him to forgive you. Commit yourself to never say such things again. And realize that these are evil spirits of blaspheme you are dealing with. You need to bind them in the name of Jesus Christ from now on when they seek to insert such thoughts, and command them to depart from you in the name above all names, the name of Jesus Christ. That is the best advice I can give you, and live your life totally for Jesus, no matter what. God bless you.

    2. is there any way to know that the HS has not abandoned me? Is there a sin that Jesus won't forgive even if you beg mercy and forgiveness.


    3. "is there any way to know..."? Yes, read the Word and believe it. "Is there a sin that Jesus won't forgive..."? Yes, the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit. I suggest you read my other article about that, if you still have questions.

    4. so every sin is forgiven if you repent and believe in Jesus Christ? I want to belong to him but i fear than he rejects me...

    5. the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin. But if someone thinks they have committed it, and has repented, I advise them to seek forgiveness from the Lord. Who knows but that God may have mercy. Otherwise, if someone thinks they have committed it and I tell them there is no hope for them, that basically seals their fate and they will just standby in fearful expectation of the coming judgment. I leave the judgment up to God, since He knows the hearts and minds of all men. I cannot say what a person's eternal destiny is by commenting back and forth via the internet. The Blaspheme of the Holy Spirit is nothing to be played around with or taken lightly.

  5. Last six months i have had these horrible blasphemous thoughts about HS and yesterday i fear that i had a slip of a tongue and i said my thought out loud. Am i doomed now? Does God understand that i don't want to think or say anything about him. I have asked forgiveness but i fear that God does not want to listen to me. I want to belong to Jesus but i am afraid that Jesus rejects me and there is no pardon for my sin.

  6. Is it more than just a one time slip of a tongue? Didn't jesus said that "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out".

    what if someone commit the unpardable sin but then repents and turn to Jesus?

    i don't want to think or say these things but i am so afraid of committing this sin. Does God understand that i am weak and afraid?

    1. Like I said back in my first comment, I advise you to repent with all your heart and trust Him to forgive you. As Peter said, "Therefore repent of this wickedness of yours, and pray the Lord that, if possible, the intention of your heart may be forgiven you." (Ac 8:22). Beyond that, it is between you and the Lord, but you will need to exercise your faith. God knows your heart better than anyone else.

  7. Ok. I hope that Jesus forgives me. Last 6 months i have had these blasphemous thoughts in my head that i can't get rid of.
    and yesterday one thought just slipped.

    These bible verses are comforting.

    "the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin".

    "In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish".

    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".

    "for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

    i ask you to pray for me Len. I want to found Jesus an have forgiveness.

    1. Those verses are indeed comforting, my friend. Let me give you a video to watch.

      You might want to read Demonology 201 and 301, too. I also encourage you to read Baptized by Blazing Fire:

      I will lift you up in prayer, if you would please tell me your name. Len

    2. I have one last question. Do you think that it is possible to commit the unpardonable sin by accident?

      Does God understand that i am weak and afraid? I have diagnosed OCD which is anxiety disorder.

    3. Dear sister, I knew a man whom we will call J whose girlfriend was cheating on him with another man. He tried to commit suicide by taking a lot of pills. As he was dying under the overdose, he murdered his girlfriend by stabbing her 77 times. She died and he was resuscitated. He was tried, found guilty and went to prison, which I believe is a life sentence. He is not a believer and doesn't believe he did anything wrong. He says he does not go around murdering people, and he doesn't even remember doing it. He does not feel he should be in prison. However, he made the decision to swallow all those pills in an attempt to murder himself, so he is a murderer, and when he lost all self control under the influence of those drugs, he was still responsible for all of his actions in the sight of God. He might say it was just an accidental act, but God does not see it that way.

      We make choices everyday and they can have serious consequences. That being said, no matter what anyone has done, including this man, I counsel them to repent and seek forgiveness from God through the blood of Jesus Christ, and pray that, if possible, they may be forgiven. As Jesus said, there is one unpardonable sin, but I would even counsel those who think they have committed it to seek forgiveness, because God is merciful and He knows the heart. And also because the devil is a liar, and he is working hard to trap souls to hell. One of his tactics is to get people to think they have committed the unpardonable sin, who have not done so, or that they are not saved even though they have repented and cried out to God for forgiveness. God knows what is going on and understands each situation better than anyone else.

      I would encourage you to ask God in the name of Jesus to confirm to you in an unmistakable, special, and very personal way that you are forgiven, and to let you feel His presence once again. Then expect it.

  8. I don't know how to $ay this
    I was having these thoughts for 9 months
    First I was so strong in Jesus and in love in march I read a comment and I questioned Lord Jesus what is the truth and I felt so guilty I asked for forgiveness I kept asking to forgive
    The one day a thought slipped my mind I questioned God's existence then I fell and I kept begging God for forgiveness and one day I was watching a sermon and he said something about holy spirit I didn't believe it but next day this blasphemous thought came into my mind and I was never the same it alvayx came up and I kept asking forgiveness last night it came into my my I was rebuking it and I said it out loud and I don't know what to do
    I love God abba I don't know what to do I asked forgiveness again but now I feel empty I wanna cry I can't I don't know if I vanna pray but I don't know I should

    1. Dear friend, ask for and received God's forgiveness. Don't come under condemnation from the devil. I believe that false blasphemy of this sort is usually demonic, in other words a temptation from the devil. Please move past that with the Lord's help and by His abounding grace and continue on with your walk with Jesus.

  9. Hey I believe in God. I got baptized and then backslidden into sin such as anger, and lust. I got mad a cursed God when I was younger. I repented and recently I have had some bad thoughts that I blaspheme the holy spirit. I am so fearful and I felt my chest tighten up and burn. I called a pastor and he said that the unforgivable sin is completely rejecting God. I still feel that strain in my chest and I keep praying and I always say Jesus is good and all that stuff, but this time It accidently slipped out that Jesus was evil, but I know that not to be true. I don't feel sorry is what scares me. I ask for forgiveness and that's all I can really do. Any advice or help for me?

    1. Dear friend, if you don't feel sorry, then you should pray for the Lord to grant you repentance unto life. Determine in your heart not to do that again. And I would advise you to receive the Lord's forgiveness. I sounds to me like you blasphemed Jesus, which is terrible, but can be forgiven according to Jesus (Mt 12:31). I will pray for you as well.

  10. Ok so I accidentally in church thought of osas and I kinda forgot some of it cause it was earlier today but it had something to due with a Angel. So I remember thinking what if a Angel is influenced by the devil. Because I was thinking of some words that a Angel spoke but forgot it was a Angel. I'm scared did I just commit the unforgivable sin. Also last time before this I was stressing out because I kinda did the same thing but not really. I was thinking of osas and was saying to myself that it's probably coming from the devil and he's trying to convince me that I'm not saved but I was also reading the Bible and Jesus was talking so I kinda got the two mixed and I'm supper scared that I committed the unforgivable sin. It was all in my mind btw

    1. I think this article was for you and that you needed to read it. In my opinion, I personally don't see any connection between what you say went through your mind and the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. By the way osas is a false doctrine. Please see this:
      Keep following Jesus!

  11. Never heard of blasphemy until I saw a YouTube video that spoke about the topic. It has been three months since then and I’ve been having bad thoughts of which I do not like.
    I started going to church a few weeks ago and reading the Bible.

    1. I don't know what was in the video, but you have to be careful what you watch. Maybe it was fine, or maybe it was not the Lord's will for you to watch that. Be prayerful and ask the Lord to guide you. Meanwhile I'm not surprised about the thoughts. See Rom 7:7-8. The demons are tempting you with blasphemous thoughts, so rebuke those in Jesus' name when they come to you. Then replace them with praise like, "Glory to God!" or "Bless the Lord O my soul!"

    2. Yes I replace it with “God is Good”
      It’s just scary the thought ! I tell myself what if God punishes me.

  12. Hi I may have blasphemed the Holy Spirit in my thoughts but I don't know if I intentionally did it or not I'm scaredddd

    1. This is very common. The fact that you are concerned is already a good indication. So here's what I suggest. Just repent for whatever blasphemous thought passed through your mind and ask the Lord to forgive you. Ask for mercy. Then claim 1 John 1:7 and 9, as well as 1 John 2:1. Then accept His forgiveness. You could also use Psalm 51 to pray through on this matter. But in the end, accept His forgiveness. I also suggest you rebuke the demons in Jesus' name and command them to go, especially the lying spirit that is telling you this, and the spirit of condemnation. Also the spirit of fear. Bind them and command them to depart in Jesus' name. We bind you lying spirit right now and you spirit of condemnation and you blasphemous spirit, and you spirit fear, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and we command you to depart, never to return again.

  13. I have the most diabolically awful blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit,and I am reading this article now because I just had one a short time ago and am still feeling absolutely traumatised it. I will not write the exact thought here but suffice it to say it is in the first person,involves cursing and satanic references. I have long been obsessed with the unpardonable sin,since I first read about it at age 18. The thoughts feel like they come from me when they occur but I am always devastated and despairing immediately after. They make me feel evil, as though I am somehow bound to Satan which,when I am in my right mind, is the last thing I would ever want. My pastor believes I am a victim of satanic ritual abuse, but I have no knowledge of this ever occurring. I have never been sexually abused. I hate and despise these thoughts they shock,repel and traumatise me. I don't know where to turn, have had extensive spiritual counselling with my pastor,but the thoughts are still terrible and I do not see how I can be forgiven. I am in despair. I would be grateful for any insight you may be able to provide, and also any measures I can take to take back my soul from the enemy. (I am a baptised Christian). I do not want to serve Satan and lose my relationship with God but I am afraid this may have already occurred.I would be very grateful for any advice you may have for me. Thankyou Bronwyn.

    1. Dear Bronwyn, my heart goes out to you. What you need is deliverance from demons that are giving you those thoughts. You need to seek someone who operates in genuine deliverance with a track record of success, who can minister to you and cast out the demons that are tormenting you. You cannot counsel those demons, they cannot be reformed, but must be cast out. I would suggest doing some preliminary prep work for your deliverance, such as fasting, renouncing the devil and his demons, repenting of anything that opened a door for these demons to come in, revoking all permissions given to the devil, breaking every curse over your life, etc. I can give you a link to get you started:
      Also do Demonology 101 and 201:
      Praying the Lord will set you free.
